• #91 June 25, 2024 Solar Rights Alliance Dave Rosenfeld
  • #90 May 28, 2024 Wildflowers of Fallbrook Land Conservancy Preserves, Susan Liebes
  • #89 April 30, 2024 Geothermal Energy; Benefits & Potential Concerns, Dr. Michael Forrest
  • #88 March 26, 2024 California CAL Green initiative, Melissa Yu
  • #87 February 27, 2024 Fire SDGE! Mark Hughes
  • #86 January 30, 2024 San Diego County Climate Action Plan, Ariel Hamburger, SD County
  • #85 November 28, 2023 Electric Vehicle 101 & 201 Keith Mika
  • #84 October 30 2023 California’s Grid Future R.L. Miller
  • #83 September 26, 2023 Climate Change Effect on Coral Reefs, Orin McCarthy
  • #82 August 29, 2023 Native Gardening For Drought, Rosalie Dedo
  • #81 Keeling Curve: CO2 now measures 422 ppm Dr. Ralph Keeling, Scripps
  • #80 June 27, 2023 The Health Effects of Climate Change  Dr. Wilma Wooten, S.D. County
  • #79 May 29, 2023 Sustainable Transportation Challenges & Solutions, Karl Aldinger,  Sierra Club
  • #78 April 25, 2023 If the Earth is Warming, Why all the Snow? Jonathan Cole
  • #77 March 28, 2023, San Diego Community Power, Lee Freidman, SD Power
  • #76 February 28, 2023 AMTRAK: Sustainable Transportation, Nechama Lowy, Amtrack
  • #75 November 30, 2022 Saving Water with Permaculture, Diane Kennedy
  • #74 October 25, 2022 Equity & Climate Change, Joy Frew
  • #73  September 27, 2022 Managing Water in the West, Thang Nguyen
  • #72  August 30, 2022 Climate Change Legislation explained  Oliver Edelson, Congressman Levin’s Office
  • #71  July 26, 2022, Climate Change Hot Spots, Jonathan Cole
  • #70  June 25th 2022 Solar Rights Alliance Dave Rosenfeld
  • #69  May 31 2022 Building Electrification Robert Carr
  • #68  April 26th 2022 Waterwise Gardening by the Solana Center
  • #67  March 29th 2022 Butterflies, Caren Hansen
  • #66 Feb 22nd 2022 Sustainable Landscaping
  • #65 Jan 25th 2022 FCAT Climate Change Discussion
  • #64 Nov 30th 2021 Regional Decarbonization Dr. Murtaza Baxamusa, SD County
  • #63 Oct 26th 2021 Recycling Grey Water, Shreya Ramachandran 
  • #62 Sep 28th, 2021 SD County Community Power SDCDP
  • #61 Aug 31st, 2021 Nuke our way out of Climate Change?
  • #60 July 27th, 2021 Mission Resource Conservation District
  • #59 June 29th, 2021 Community Recycling 101
  • #58 May 25th, 2021 How Communities Turn Organic Waste Into Products
  • #57 April 27th, 2021 County Climate Action Plan Update
  • #56 March 30th, 2021 Hybrid Wind Energy with Frank Micone
  • #55 February 23, 2021 Earth Justice with Sara Gersen
  • #54 January 26, 2021 ZOOM Sustainable Living Pete Beauregard
  • #53 November 24, 2020 Basics of Composting on Zoom Solana Center
  • #52 October 27, 2020 Zoom Climate Reality Project Will Shakespeare
  • #xx September 30, 2020 ZOOM Sustainable Living Pete Beauregard (cancelled & rescheduled to January)
  • #51 August 25, 2020 ZOOM How to Avoid climate disaster Larry Caroff & NASA friends
  • #50 July 28, 2020 ZOOM Group discussion FCAT Panel
  • #49 June 30, 2020 ZOOM Climate Action Plan, Noah Harris/ Climate Action Campaign
  • #48 May 19, 2020 ZOOM Dr. Keeling’s Curve Q&A with Mike Farrell
  • #47 February 25, 2020 Transportation Allison Wood/SANDAG
  • #46 January 28, 2020 Climate Justice Cody Peterson
  • #45 November 26, 2019 Science of Climate Change Cynthia Young & Frews
  • #44 October 29, 2019 Food Waste Green Kitchen
  • #43 Sept 24, 2019 How Hot is it Going to Get? Film
  • #42 August 30 2019 Climate Action Plan Peter Andersen/ Sierra Club
  • #41 July 30, 2019 Paris to Pittsburgh Film by National Geo
  • #40 June 25, 2019 Master Gardener Marsha Cook
  • #39 May 28, 2019 Solar Sullivan Solar
  • #38 April 30, 2019 Save Our Forest Jackie Heyneman
  • #37 March 26, 2019 Earthwell Refill Katrina Oprisko
  • #36 February 26, 2019 Mission Resorce District Lance Anderson
  • #35 January 29, 2019 Politics of Climate Change R.L. Miller DNC delegate
  • #34 November 27, 2018 Community Choice Energy Tommy Hough
  • #33 October 30, 2018 Climate Reality Project Robert Gilleskie
  • #32 September 24, 2018 Wildfire Captain Jeff Griffith
  • #31 August 28, 2018 Composting Solana Center
  • #30 July 31, 2018 San Onofre Public Watchdogs
  • #29 June 26, 2018 Science of Climate Change Peil-Moelter
  • #28 May 22, 2018 Transportation Charles Main
  • #27 April 24, 2018 Lilac Hills Mark Jackson
  • #26 March 28, 2018 Stay Cool for Grandkids Pratt
  • #25 February 27, 2018 SD County Zero Waste Wonsidler
  • #24 January 29, 2018 Solar Sullivan Solar
  • #23 November 23, 2017 Investing Seid
  • #22 October 23, 2017 Solar & Community Choice Energy Erika Morgan
  • #21 September 25, 2017 Fire Richard Minnick
  • #20 August 25, 2017 Sustainable Building Jeff Adams/ Green Builders
  • #19 July 21, 2017 Sustainable Farming & Home Pete Beauregard
  • #18 June 23, 2017 Electric Cars & Sustainable Home Peder Norby
  • #17 April 17, 2017 Cost of Delay Dr. Tom English
  • #16 March 15, 2017 Transportation NC Transit District Charles Main of North County Transit
  • #15 February 15, 2017 Land Use & Conservancy Will Shakespeare of Fallbrook Land Conservancy
  • #14 January 18, 2017 Standing Rock Kathi Carbone
  • #13 October 19, 2016 Climate Action Plan SD County presenters
  • #12 September 14, 2016 Climate Action Plan Kayla Race of Climate Action Campaign
  • #11 August 16, 2016 The Oceans Eve Simmons
  • #10 June 15, 2016 Chasing Ice Film
  • #9 May 11, 2016 Land Use Jana Clark with Cleveland National Forest
  • #8 April 18, 2016 Camp Pendleton Energy Robert Gilleskie
  • #7 March 13, 2016 Water Jeanne Meadows
  • #6 February 17, 2016 Climate Change Report Eve Simmons
  • #5 January 10, 2016 Solar & Community Choice Energy Sierra Club/Pete Hasapopolous
  • #4 November 12, 2015 This Changes Everything Film (San Diego County premiere).
  • #3 October 7, 2015 Lilac Hills Mark Jackson
  • #2 September 10, 2015 National Security Admiral Len Hering (Ret.)
  • #1 July 1, 2015 Can We Win? Dr. Tom English